Sunday, November 11, 2012

Been a bit and Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen

I'm up unusually at 7am this morning on my first day off as sheer exhaustion had me hitting the hay 9 hours ago and it felt so good to sleep that long as I have been having some pretty broken sleep lately. After a stint of cooler weather we are going to expect 15 degrees and sunshine today and so I'm happy to be up early enough to make the most of the day.

The past little while I have not felt like blogging, the terrible devastation of storm Sandy has left me  feeling that no post can be of any importance while I think of those who are so unfortunate to have been in her path and lost so much. It just didn't feel right to me. I have also had a low in my own energy resources, the time change affects me greatly as well with how I take hydrocortisone for my adrenal insufficiency as my body relies on it at specific times of the day and I loose all ability to do anything except work, maybe walk the dog and make our dinner after work. 

Here is my big accomplishment recently. I gave this very messy and dirty mudroom which is also our laundry room and Emma's daytime room a good cleaning last weekend which felt amazing.

and a lesser feat of switching out the frame of my little original sailboat painting from White Flower Farmhouse. Yes, I still have tons of painting to do.

Please keep Lori of White Flower Farmhouse and her son Ronan and her family in your prayers as they are going through a very tough time right now.

As you may know I suffer from many food sensitivities, gluten, dairy, processed sugar and don't feel good sometimes after eating corn or soy (which is not good for you anyway contrary to what you may have heard) and I have to rotate my foods not eating the same thing every day or I could possibly develop a new sensitivity. I am very bored with the things I eat and need to shake it up but first I need to organize my nice sized pantry.

This is how it looks now which is ok but I have a lot of items baking items that I have not used and are probably past their expiry.

and I even have a radio stashed in it that is taking up prime real estate.

But what is motivating me is my new discovery, a wonderful cookbook by Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre, MS, CN called Nourishing Meals available on Amazon.
You can read their wonderful blog that is on my reader list and they offer up many of their recipes their for you to try. This book is not just about making food but about the sad state that our food supply has come to today tainted with pesticides and the sad fact that 90 percent of our food is GMO (genetically modified).
I have already made one good and easy change and sourced out a wonderful egg source from a woman who raises chickens in her backyard naturally.

 I'm sure the food is just as amazing as the pictures.

I don't think I will be disappointed with this one and will share with you whatever I attempt to make.

Hope you have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Muddaritaville said...

I love your laundry room!
Is the counter on top of your washer and dryer mounted to anything or does it just rest on top of them? I really want a counter for mine.

Hugs to Emma!
