Sunday, August 21, 2011

Is Talent Gone?

It's a perfect Sunday for me today because I don't feel like doing a single thing except listen to music and putter, eat, blog, and maybe some house work if I get a burst of energy! I am enjoying a little alone time while my honey is taking in a man flick, solo. He has no problem doing that, I never could.
 It is the perfect do nothing weather of raining on and off with infrequent short visits from the sun long enough to break the dreariness.

I recently came across these sketches I did when I was a teenager. I am so happy I kept them and only wish that I had not used tape on the back before they were laminated as it has marred them.

This one is not my horse but does resemble my beautiful part Arabian I owned named Jube.

My Silver Jubilee (Jube)

My mom is so talented and so is my younger sister and my older sis is even doing some beautiful sketches.  My grandmother discovered painting late in life and was also very very talented. I think when I'm a little bit more on track with my health I will try my hand again and see if all is not lost.

Have a splendid weekend.


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